Spotube has become the first Flutter app, that has a platform specific UI or mimics Platform specific design
It was achieved using the platform_ui plugin
đ Platform Specific UI design, animations, typography and experienceđ - Override current platform’s UI with another one’s (it’s crazy but fun)
- Track source change support. Change the currently playing track’s source from multiple YouTube results
- Shuffle and play any playlists and albums
- Add Selected tracks to multiple playlists
- Fixed Authentication Token not updating when expired
- More optimistic UI
Features đ
- add selected tracks to playlists, optimistic playlist remove track (3386dac)
- added shuffle button in playlist and album section (1fad95f)
- android-playback: option to download track bytes and play instead of Streaming (dcc8ba5)
- change default platform option and platform specific back button (36c5e02)
- dialog logo for macos, settings more width for country picker (5e96913)
- initial platform_ui integration (9eee573)
- libadwaita theming, track tile and PlayButtonCard play button icon fix (e795e23)
- lyrics: tabs for both synced and static lyrics #182 (6b6907a)
- new refined about page, update checker only check for same update channel (4cadfa9)
- pause track when seeking forward/back and keep audio session alive when paused/interrupted (bc8a04e)
- platform bottom navigation bar add (ff14469)
- platform slider and progress indicator integration (46b00ba)
- platform title bar buttons add (54048cb)
- playback: change current track youtube source panel and tooltips for player icon buttons (4b21cc8)
- Player and Playbutton theme respect to platform (512446d)
- player queue and sibling tracks platform decoration (39a7794)
- PlayerView: shortcut button for opening lyrics #273 (1d4847a)
- rename files to snake_case and reorganize folder structure (7c25e1c)
- replace all types of buttons with platform buttons (69739b4)
- rpm packaging support (067e9ac)
- search: infinite scroll for tracks, artists, playlists and albums (e6761a6)
- set platform to default platform on start up (472da6b)
- shuffle keep playing track at top, linux title bar drag no working (1223cf2)
- sidebar download count and proper progress color in playbutton (a10bc5b)
- static shimmer for track tile, playbutton card and track tile (3ed8b0f)
- tablet mode navigation bar & windows semi transparent bg, (3282370)
- title_bar: platform specific title bar (e659e3c)
- titlebar complete compatibility, platform specific login, library tabbar in titlebar (b3c27d1)
- use platform checkbox (2211505)
- window blur effect add (b0db5e7)
Bug Fixes đ
- ArtistCard: linux shadow (c186881)
- auth: refresh access token timer not working (b3ac5ca)
- bottom navigation bar settings tile not active when selected (43557e4)
- dialog logo in android, lyrics visible timer adjust button (3c6803b)
- heart button showing when not logged in, wrong login redirect (4dc26af)
- horizontal infinite lists doesn’t fill the screen (69995be)
- ios dialog action buttons, local tracks crashing app, shimmer color and android wrong status bar color (90c1200)
- login: not working in android in Brazil or Ukraine regions (0b79a11)
- macos: black text in dark mode (fb9c0e4)
- macos: white text color in dark mode, text field white background (e086b52)
- mobile: SafeArea bugs and back button color (a8330ef)
- null exception in themes (9465d92)
- platform_ui local path (00d0d38)
- player view artist link when local playlist is playing, lyric delay adjust button alignment (ee5c417)
- remove windows background (6942964)
- search field ios dark icon , lyrics tabbar ios background color (be56ad4)
- settings Title alignment and play button card ripple effect in other platforms (3b6bf27)
- shuffle play logic (65cad07)
- small minwidth of window in desktop, linux wrong light theme accent color, search field transparent background (5b0e22c)
- tooltips of menu and adaptive pop up menu (261aaf1)
- update download dialog blocking the UI (3925f74)
- user playlists not updating after creating/deleting, artist follow not updating after follow/unfollow (6cc2a18)
- windows: windows global title bar (bd18f19)
What’s Changed
- Basic support for iOS, fix missing Rust lib by @karniv00l in #259
- Fix typo by @Lucifer25x in #269
- added new categories to fix lost & found by @ZorinArch in #299
- Fix: Rename Youtube to YouTube by @RaptaG in #314
- Experimental/platform UI by @KRTirtho in #323
- feat: shuffle button in playlist and album section by @tiaxter in #340
New Contributors
- @Lucifer25x made their first contribution in #269
- @ZorinArch made their first contribution in #299
- @RaptaG made their first contribution in #314
- @tiaxter made their first contribution in #340
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0
from Release notes from spotube https://ift.tt/zSlAk2C
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